Initial Evaluation Cover Page & Testing during Covid-19
Last week, I shared a testing sheet that I will be using for re-evaluations to stay organized. This week, I created an additional sheet for initial evaluations. I took the parent call log out and decided to document the parent calls under notes. This gave the document more space writing. See below :) Cover page can be found on my TpT school for FREE. See link at the bottom of this blog!
As we begin the school year, it is important to realize the changes that will happen when we test students. We will need to have PPE and lots of sanitizer and cleaning wipes. Here are just a few necessary steps for testing that will be important for the student and psychologist to keep safe during a pandemic.
Disinfect everything before the student enters the room.
Make sure you and the student wash your hands or sanitize before you begin.
Wear your PPE during testing (facemask, gloves, face shield and anything else that you feel is necessary for you to stay safe).
When taking breaks and using toys, put toys aside once done to sanitize later.
When you finish testing, have kids use hand sanitizer before placing their hands in the prize box. (or have them pick a prize prior to testing)
Once kids leave the room, wipe off all areas and test manipulatives (i.e. blocks) with disinfectant wipes.
Make sure you wash your hands when you are done!
It’s going to be a very different school year for all of us educators. Stay safe and good luck!