IEP at a Glance Worksheet for teachers and staff

In my district, teachers have access to IEP’s in various ways. A teacher or individual working closely with a student is able to come to my office and view a student's IEP. Special Education teachers  have access to an IEP on IEP direct. Some teachers, such as special area teachers, have access on a platform that is used district wide. TA’s and Paraprofessionals have the ability to view a student's IEP on a regular basis but do not have a copy of this document.  

This past year, I often had special area teachers stop in my office and ask to view IEPs for classroom accommodations and testing modifications. They would write them down and come back again “just to make sure” they got the information right. I noticed that there were no “IEP at a Glance” worksheets that would best fit the needs of some of my teachers, so I decided to create my own! This is actually what started the whole "creating worksheets" to Blog journey.

The worksheet above allows teachers to add some informaiton from the IEP and includes testing accommodations and classroom modifications that may need to be implemented in a specific location.

Please keep in mind, this document is in now way meant to replace an IEP! An IEP has DETAILED information about a child's needs, abilities and educational goals that are important to monitor and track. This sheet was simply made to jot down notes on information in an IEP that is easily accessible. 

Find the worksheet for FREE on my TPT shop!


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